(Mix) CJC 1295 w/o DAC 2mg with GHRP-6 2mg



*All items contained in this section are blends. They contain both compounds listed in one vial. You will receive one vial per order.

(Blend) CJC 1295 w/o DAC with GHRP-6

CJC 1295 W/o DAC With GHRP-6, as the name may indicate, is a combination of the peptide CJC 1295 without DAC and GHRP-6.

Blend Overview

In order to fully grasp the full functionality of CJC 1295 W/o DAC With GHRP-6, the two components must first be viewed separately.  According to scientific study based on animal test subjects, CJC 1295 W/o DAC’s operational mechanics allows it to boost the half-life of GHRH1-29, a peptide chain that enables the control and regulation of a host of bodily processes that tie in with the endocrine system, such as metabolism, growth, and temperature regulation.  GHRP-6, meanwhile, has been shown to promote the secretion of growth-related secretions from the pituitary gland.  It has also been shown to increase the production of ghrelin, whose secretion causes the sensation of hunger to occur.  Thirdly, GHRP-6 has been shown to boost the expression of the anabolic secretion IGF-1 from the liver.

When the functionality of these two peptides is combined, scientific study based on animal test subjects have determined that the combination (that is, CJC 1295 W/o DAC With GHRP-6) can possess a host of theoretical benefits relating to the regulation and control of several bodily processes.  Some of the benefits that have been theorized include a boost in the proliferation of muscular and skeletal tissue growth, an increase in the efficiency of fat burning, and a more efficient means of injury recovery.

Nowhere But a Restricted Environment

While there has been plenty of research and study has been conducted regarding the overall functionality of CJC 1295 W/o DAC With GHRP-6, the peptide is still purely intended for the use of scientific study and nothing more.  Because of this, any study or subsequent findings that are based on the peptide should exclusively be the product of a strictly controlled environment such as a laboratory or a medical research facility.