GHRP-2 5mg



GHRP-2 5mg

The peptide GHRP-2 contains a molecular formula of C45H55N9O6.  It also carries a molecular weight of 817.9.  Its construction consists of six amino acids, which makes it a hexipeptide.

Functionality of GHRP – 2

According to scientific study based on animal test subjects, GHRP’s overall functionality has been tied to strong associations with the pituitary gland, liver, stomach, and hypothalamus. The peptide has demonstrated a capacity to boost secretions from the pituitaty’s somatotropic cells, while simultaneously blocking somatostatin, thus creating an uptick in protein synthesis.  It has also been shown to boost the production of IGF-1, an anabolic secretion that plays a vital role in the growth and repair of muscular and skeletal tissue.  It also has been shown to promote the production of ghrelin, an enzyme that stimulates the sensation of hunger.  This sensation is further heightened through GHRP – 2’s capacity to boost the hypothalamus’s functionality.

What These Interactions Produce

Scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that GHRP -2’s wide ranging functionality can conceivably allow it to be beneficial in a host of different ways.  Because it can boots protein synthesis, it is thought that the peptide could produce an elevated rate of muscle and tissue growth, a more efficient means of fat burning, improved bone density, and various anti-inflammatory actions.

Set Aside for Scientific Research

It should be emphasized that despite the extensive amount of research and study that has been conducted in order to pinpoint the functionality and mechanics of GHRP – 2, it is only intended for the sole use of scientific study at this time.  Because of this, any findings or observations that can be tied to GHRP – 2’s overall functionality, mechanics, or theoretical benefits should exclusively be contained to a laboratory, a medical research facility, or another strictly controlled environment in this vein.